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7 Night Hunting Tips No Expert Hunter Will Share With You

Are you an outdoor enthusiast who loves the thrill of the hunt but has never tried night hunting? If so, you may wonder what’s involved and whether or not it’s safe. Many things can go wrong in your first few nights of hunting. For example, you may find yourself getting lost in the dark or coming face to face with a predator. To help you ace the night hunting game, we’ve compiled a list of seven tips that no expert hunter will share with you. Take a look.  

Invest in High-Quality Hunting Gear

If you’re going to be hunting at night, you need to have the right gear. This means investing in a high-quality rifle scope that can help you see in low light conditions. You also need to make sure you have a comfortable pair of boots and clothing that won’t make noise as you move.    Other crucial gear you must not ignore include:
  • Bowie knife: You never know when you may need to defend yourself from an animal or use the knife to skin your prey
  • Flashlight: A flashlight is a must-have for any type of hunting, but it’s especially important when you’re hunting at night.
  • First-aid box: Make sure you have essential items like pain medication and bandages in case you get injured.

Choose the Right Location

When night hunting, location can make or break your game. You want to pick an area that has dense vegetation so you can stay hidden and avoid being seen by predators. You also want to ensure a water source nearby in case you get thirsty or need to clean your hands after skinning your prey.  

Know Your Prey

Before you go out hunting at night, it’s important to know what kind of animal you’re after. This way, you can better prepare yourself and increase your chances of making a kill. For example, if you’re deer hunting, you need to know their behaviour patterns and where they like to feed. This knowledge will help you stay one step ahead of your prey.  

Set Up a Blind

A blind allows you to stay hidden from your prey while giving you a clear view of the surrounding area. When setting up your blind, make sure it’s close to the ground and that there are no gaps that would allow light to escape.  

Use Scent-Free Products

While hunting at night, your sense of smell is heightened, so your prey can easily smell you coming from a mile away. To avoid this, use scent-free products when prepping for your hunt. This includes soap, shampoo, deodorant, and even laundry detergent. You should also avoid smoking or eating strong-smelling foods before going out.  

Be Quiet

Any noise you make can alert your prey and cause them to run off. So, make sure to wear clothing that doesn’t make noise and to avoid talking or coughing. If you’re using a firearm, use a suppressor to reduce the noise.  

Be Patient

Night hunting can be frustrating, especially if you’re not used to it. You may sit in your blind for hours without seeing anything. And when you do see something, it may be too dark to take a shot. It’s important to be patient and not let these setbacks discourage you. If you stick with it, you’ll eventually get the hang of it and become a successful night hunter.  

Final Word

Night hunting can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but only if you do it right. By following these tips, you can avoid common mistakes and increase your chances of success.
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